About JACS

Since the 1970s, the expertise required for respiratory surgery has increased markedly along with the growing number of lung cancer patients and widespread application of surgical oncology perspectives and new types of surgery, such as tracheobronchoplasty. Under such circumstances, Prof. Takashi Teramatsu in the Division of Surgery of the Tuberculosis Research Institute, Kyoto University, proposed to hold a workshop for respiratory surgeons who belonged to a division of the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery. The workshop, which was first held in 1984, grew larger each year, until it led to the official foundation of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery (JACS) in 1987. Since then, the society has strived to further develop its expertise and build up its organization. It started its program to foster certified medical specialists in 1989, and became a member society of the Japan Medical Association in 1991. In 2003, it became a non-profit organization. In 2004, it founded the Japanese Board of General Thoracic Surgery in cooperation with the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery to establish a board certification system for respiratory surgeons. It has conducted activities to improve the diagnosis and treatment skills for respiratory surgery in Japan by reviewing and improving programs.


This society aims to contribute to the development and dissemination of respiratory surgery and medicine as well as academic cultures and public welfare through education, providing information to the public, and facilitating research concerning respiratory surgery and medicine.


-Conducting, facilitating, and promoting studies, research, and reports concerning respiratory surgery and medicine
-Providing education on respiratory surgery and medicine
-Providing information on respiratory surgery and medicine
-Planning and managing academic conferences, research presentation workshops, and lectures concerning respiratory surgery and medicine
-Making contact, cooperating, and coordinating with other organizations
-Other activities required for achieving the purpose of the society


1984   The first workshop on respiratory surgery was held.
1987   The Japanese Association for Chest Surgery (JACS) was founded.
1991   JACS became a member society of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences.
2003   Non Profit Organization The Japanese Association for Chest Surgery was founded.


3,198(as of October. 1, 2020)